Since all the carrots in the garden have been eaten by...something, I told Mike to get me some from the grocery store. He got me 10 pounds, plus some onions and jalapenos. I don't know if they're exactly like the ones from the taco shop, but they are yummy, so I'll share the recipe.
Spicy Pickled Carrots
- 10 pounds carrots
- 2 onions
- 12 jalapenos
- 12 cloves of garlic
- 24 peppercorns
- 3 tablespoons dried Mexican oregano
- 6 cups 5% vinegar
- 6 cups water
- 1 cup sea salt
Add the water, vinegar, and salt to a large, non-reactive pan and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and then pour into the jars, covering the veggies, making sure to leave 1/2 space.
These can go directly into the fridge or they can be canned in a water bath canner for 15 minutes to be stored at room temperature. For best flavor, wait at least a week before eating.
Here's a picture of the finished product, cooling on my counter after coming out of the canner.
Pickled carrots and jalapeno slices |
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I had never heard of spicy pickled carrots until now. They do sound good!
Vicki, they're very popular in southern California, but I've never seen them anywhere else.